Title: 10 years
It served as the opening act of the church service that glorious day.
All glory to the Lord.
Well, it looks scary with the make up, but the beauty in mime is the actions.
I'm still trying to get a hold of the video our lay-leader, Aunty Theresa, recorded.
Will upload it if i can get it.
The brothers (L to R): Rennie, James, Joseph, Dony, myself, Chung Hua, Hieng Chong
Diamond eyes....
Diamond eyes....
The Sisters (L to R): Xin Yao, Wen Ing, Xin Yee
There's something about me and floral Art Nouveau motifs....
There's something about me and floral Art Nouveau motifs....
Look for me in here!
Yao and me.
Yao and me again.